Microsculpture exhibition at Inverleith House, Royal Botanical Garden, Edinburgh - eNidhi India Travel Blog

Microsculpture exhibition at Inverleith House, Royal Botanical Garden, Edinburgh

Inverleith house is a 3 story building inside Royal Botanical Garden in Edinburgh, UK. Inverleith house is used as an art gallery and visitors can check out highly specialized and curated works of art, photography etc when they visit Royal Botanical Garden in Edinburgh.

When I visited in September 2019 Inverleith house had enlarged photographs of several tiny creatures such as bees. These creatures are photographed with ultra powerful lenses and we can see minute details of their body structure, otherwise hard to observe.

What's unique about this building are the photographs inside.
Above right: Splendid necked dung beetle
Above right: Pleasing fungus bettle
 Background: Each of these photographs you see above are created from approximately 8000 microscopic photographs.

Photographer's name is Levon Bliss. Each insect is pinned to a fixed platform (they are dead), various parts (30 different portions) are clicked with a 36 mega pixel camera with 200 mm lens and 10x microscope attachment.  Specific lighting is used to enhance the effectiveness of the image. It took about 3 weeks of work per image to photograph, edit and process.

More details here microsculpture.net or watch the video below to understand the process.
Entrance to Inverleith house in Scotland's Royal Botanical Garden

More on Edinburgh:  Absolutely free to visit attractions in Edinburgh

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