Usgalimal Rock carvings, Goa
While I was scouting for potential places to visit for an early morning visit from Benaulim, Usgalimal caught my attention along with Rivona caves and Rivona waterfalls.
After visiting Rivona caves and Rivona waterfalls, we following Google map location to Usgalimal. The last km was rocky terrain and it was not very clear what to expect or look forward there. We drove as far as we could, got off the car, we saw a river so walked along the river for few minutes. Kushavati is the name of the river, which was not very deep or wide.
As we were looking around, a few puppies were trying to get our attention and make us pet them. Suddenly one of us spotted the carvings on the rock. As we looked around, we could now notice several carvings next to each other. These were reportedly discovered some 30 years ago, but are said to be 20000 years old, if some websites are to be believed. There are no markings, display or information boards detailing their history or importance or meaning.

I read that Usgalimal is under protection of ASI now. Below are some photos we clicked at Usgalimal. There are not facilities for visitors, no entry ticket or anything. Not sure what purpose thse carvings would have served 20000 years ago- were they some sign for hunters? Were they some kind of marking declaring authority over the territory? Were they some kind of “help me” sign carved by someone who got lost here? No idea. ASI should consider putting up some displays detailing the meaning of these rock carvings and the story behind them, if any.

Many of these seem to resemble animals. Do you agree?
There was a hut like structure- maybe some guard is supposed to be there.
A large quarry like lake also exists nearby.

Is it really worth going to Usgalimal when in Goa?
Depends on how much you are interested in rock carvings. I wouldn’t go there again or go all the way just for this. But if you are anyway commuting between Salaulim dam and Netravali in South Goa, you might want to divert a bit and take a look at Usgalimal rock carvings.
No facilities available (like rest rooms) and no one was there, so you will be on your own.
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