Maidenahalli (Jayamangali) Blackbuck Reserve near Tumkur, Blr Wednesday, July 16, 2014 Heard about this place from a cousin and it proved to be a place I’d not visited yet, despite being so close to Bengaluru. So finally vi...
Air Asia India flight experience-Chennai-Bengaluru Tuesday, July 15, 2014 I’d done 2 trips with Air Asia earlier-once to Kuala Lumpur, one more to Bangkok. About a month ago Air Asia launched India operations, ...
Zoomcar Bangalore-Old vs New Policy-My thoughts Monday, July 14, 2014 This post is again on cars- Click here to read Travel stories if cars don't interest you. Last week Bangalore’s pure-play self d...
Zoomcar Safari Dicor photoshoot Monday, July 14, 2014 One more car- Tata Safari Dicor from zoomcars First 3 clicks are wide angle views clicked from GoPro, while rest were clicked with my Ni...
Mercedes Benz A Class 180 CDI review Friday, July 11, 2014 2 hours of drive is very short time to review a car, but it is good enough to get a feel of the car and identify basic pros and cons. In ...
Bharachukki falls, Shivanasamudram, Mysore Friday, July 11, 2014 Bharachukki falls is one of the twin falls near Mysuru. Along with its cousin Gaganachukki, Bharachukki attracts lots of tourists. My last ...