MMSC Manipal 08 - An Experience account Saturday, April 19, 2008 Quick Jump: The journey | Betrayed by my Laptop | Talk on podcasting | My talk on Corporate Blogging | MIT Men's Hostel | Answer th...
An idea being implemented-Need your help Tuesday, April 15, 2008 Around 6 months ago, I had written a post that public toilets in Indian cities can be made free , so that public won’t be required to pay Rs...
An Old Lady - தாய் மண்ணே வணக்கம் Tuesday, April 15, 2008 Spotted this old lady last week while heading towards nearest Andhra Mess for lunch. Apparently, she was carrying a plant in a vase and due ...
Delhi Chats Thiruvanmiyur- Inflation Free? Monday, April 14, 2008 Major update (15 May 2008): This post stands null and void now, as Delhi Chats have effected a hike of about 25% on all their items. -------...
Club Mahindra to host Cerebrate.In Sunday, April 13, 2008 Was speaking to Arun Nair of Club Mahindra the other day and he was all upbeat about an event called that he is coordinating ...
Buy/Sell used Club Mahindra timeshare membership for Free Thursday, April 10, 2008 December 2018 Update: Have removed records older than 2018 to de-clutter the list- in case you'd listed years ago and still haven't...
Box temple expands itself to encroach public land Tuesday, April 08, 2008 There was a small projection to a compound wall in front of one of the houses wherein a Ganesha Idol was kept and few local people worshippi...
Club Mahindra Holidays IPO -Some Questions & Answers Sunday, April 06, 2008 This post offers some insights into Club Mahindra ’s timeshare business by bringing out some key concerns related to their operations and ge...
QuestNet reopens as Lotus Marketing in Sri Lanka? Thursday, April 03, 2008 Quest Net (aka Gold Quest) is yet another network marketing company which sells overpriced products to members and encourages these members ...
I got Wednesday, April 02, 2008 Few months ago, when I wanted to move this blog to my own domain, my preferred choice was, but it was not available that time and...
How to leave your footprints & make everyone follow it? Tuesday, April 01, 2008 What you see above is a newly paved concrete road, on which a dog ran while the surface was still wet and thereby has left its foot print.. ...
Manipal Bloggers’ Meet- MMSC’08 Monday, March 31, 2008 Bloggers Meet seems to be the new trend…Of late several such events are being organized in several metros. Good thing is that the trend is ...
Merchants of Deception by Eric Scheibeler-Amway Inside Story Friday, March 28, 2008 This post offers a detailed review of Merchants of Deception , a book by Eric Scheibeler , former Amway Emerald Distributor, who once believ...