Unique, secret, Hirebhaskara dam near Sigandoor! - eNidhi India Travel Blog

Unique, secret, Hirebhaskara dam near Sigandoor!

Hire Bhaskara Dam is an abandoned dam near Jog falls in Shivamogga district, Karnataka.

HIre Bhaskara dam was constructed prior to building Linganamakki dam. Hire Bhaskara was a cleverly designed dam that doesn't require any electric or mechanized motor to operate. As water level raises in the reservoir, excess water is sucked into the chambers and pushed out without needing human or machine intervention.

Why can't we visit Hirebhaskar dam in monsoon

The access path will be full of water, so we can't cross to reach the dam. It is a stupid idea whoever built a dam kept open canal on the side- or they deliberately dug it open to prevent people from crossing. Another reason could be to let the water pass through by side even when water level is lower than what ducts would otherwise process.

You can still visit and see the dam from a distance during monsoon- that isn't much fun.

The bridge being constructed to connect Holebagilu to Sigandur is visible from Hirebhaskara dam

Muppane ferry point is also not too far but no easy road access. We've to take a long detour.

What to do once at Hirebhaskara dam

You can get down the stairs and take a closer look at the dam structures. There are some 35+ steps to climb down and climb up with no handrails. Proceed with caution.

You can walk on the dam tanks and get a closer look- again, be very very careful- there is nothing to support if you slip off and the area is very remote so no help will come.

Hirebhaskara dam has stood the test of nature over 3-4 decades and looks very intact and operational even to this date.

Because not too many people visit there is no entry ticket, no security guard, no one to monitor or control you. While it gives you some freedom, it is also a risk if you are careless. Extreme caution advised if slippery or visiting with kids. If it becomes too popular or if some accidents happen then Govt will be forced to enforce lots of restrictions to visit this Hirebhaskara dam.

How to reach Hire bhaskara dam from Kollur side?

Head towards Sigandur from Kollur side, 5 kms before Sigandur, when you see below board, proceed straight. Absolutely no turns- at some point tar road will end and last 10 kms you'll have to do off roading-loose soil, lose gravel etc.

Not very suitable for cars due to some narrow patches with thick vegetation. Thorns may scrape your car body- fine for Thar and such off road ready vehicles. Need good ground clearance.

Public transport is available till Sigandur- you can try for auto/taxi from there, but given bad condition of the road no one will agree to come till the dam. Last few kms you'll have to trek. Best to reach on own bike.

You can also try visiting from Shivamogga side- I've not tried that route. Reach Holebagilu and figure out a way to reach Hirebhaskar dam side.

Nearby: Kodachadri * Belkal Theertha * * Shivamogga District travel guide & FAQs * 

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