12 Reasons why MLM Companies go bad! Friday, May 23, 2008 With Chennai Police opening investigations on QuestNet/Goldquest MLM company, operations of such companies which promise an easy wealth crea...
SBI finally accepts me as a customer Monday, May 19, 2008 Country’s leading Bank, State Bank of India (SBI), has finally accepted me as its customer. My first contact with SBI dates back to year 200...
Want cheapest air tickets? -book direct on airline website Sunday, May 18, 2008 Do you book your airline tickets through travel aggregators like makemytrip (MMT), Ezeego1,Yatra, Flightraja , cleartrip etc? All of them ...
Manipal Visit – Other updates Saturday, May 17, 2008 This is a sequel to my previous post on visit to Manipal for Manipal Bloggers’ meet and Manipal Media Students’ convention, MMSC ‘08 Some ph...
Mumbai visit- Quick notes Wednesday, May 14, 2008 Morning: Sat in an auto and saw that minimum fare is just Rs. 1.00 Felt something must be wrong somewhere. Asked the driver why it is show...
Event Blogging at WebInnovation08-Experience Saturday, May 10, 2008 It was a good experience attending webInnovation 08 at Mumbai this week (8th May 2008). Live blogging the event was even greater experience...
Pondy Trip, QN, Liveblogging & Other updates Wednesday, May 07, 2008 5 days since my last post may look like a long time considering I have been publishing new posts every alternate day so far. Have lots of st...
Rice, in its most nutrient form... Friday, May 02, 2008 It is quite a common scene in Chennai roadside to see carts selling unpolished rice with its gravy. Called KooLu or Kanji in tamil and Ganj...
Few updates & some random pictures Thursday, May 01, 2008 Poll: The poll I ran to find out what kind of contents my readers like has given results which I had suspected. Majority of you liked perso...
Watching T20 live-A first timer's experience Sunday, April 27, 2008 In a sudden turn of events I found myself heading towards MA Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai and watch the IPL T20 cricket match between Chen...
Election Time and Banner Mania Saturday, April 26, 2008 The banner nuisance is not new to us but usualy reachs its peak during election time. But thanks to strong enforcements of election commissi...
Custom designed bottles for recycling Tuesday, April 22, 2008 It has never been a secret that hawkers recycle used mineral water bottles, fill it with tap water (ok, a believed to be fit for drinking wa...
MMSC Manipal 08 - An Experience account Saturday, April 19, 2008 Quick Jump: The journey | Betrayed by my Laptop | Talk on podcasting | My talk on Corporate Blogging | MIT Men's Hostel | Answer th...
An idea being implemented-Need your help Tuesday, April 15, 2008 Around 6 months ago, I had written a post that public toilets in Indian cities can be made free , so that public won’t be required to pay Rs...